Black Friday — Pixel People 50% UNSALE

It’s Black Friday. People are lining up for hours for big deals and fighting each other in the aisles to save $20 on some gadget or thingamabob that’s marked down 85%. But that’s not how we roll.
Instead, we’ve increased prices by 50% so we can raise even more money for Toy Mountain. Take some of your shopping savings elsewhere and give more back to kids who are less fortunate.
As always, Pixel People are handmade by Malcolm Hicks, age 8, in Ottawa, Canada, not some cigar-chomping retail executive which is probably why we're charging more for our products on one of the biggest retail discount days of the year. All proceeds are donated back to Toy Mountain as gifts so please go wild with crazy unsale unsavings.
If the idea of UNSALE pricing blows your mind, don't worry Pixel People will return to their regular prices on Saturday when you can still buy them (for significantly less) and we'll still use the proceeds to buy significantly fewer toys for kids in need. If you can't wait that long use Discount Code: REGULAR at checkout and your Pixel People will be reduced to their regular price for your shopping convenince.
Not feeling it? Use discount code REGULAR
and you'll pay the regular price